Hushhh ! every mornin i wake up supposin MOM's just behind me. I feel m HOME n she is in kitchen makin me a cup of TEA as every morn i xpect her to do. Suddenly i recognise, nah m not HOME, SHE aint here. m still a homesick kid. yes i have to xcept this :(
I strongly feel d aroma of d tea made by her every morn. D breakfast she cooks, OMG its amazing. i wish if i could b a kid forever so dat i could stay around her till d time ends.
Its not like as if i always write bout MOM n not father, i luv him too. but u kno mom is always close to heart. Father.... hmmm i think God has made Fathers strong,little bit unkown bout emotions so dat dey can deal widh outer harsh world, n God made mom more affectionate to emotions to handle inhouse conditions.
Nways i dunno much of it in deep. all i kno is missin u muhmmmy ! i ll definitely go to meet her soon. Cant stay back. JUST CANT !